Добавлен оператор объединения с null

This commit is contained in:
Victor 2019-07-06 20:32:31 +03:00
parent 2e439d73b5
commit 0bd2aa10d5
5 changed files with 180 additions and 109 deletions

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@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ public final class Lexer {
OPERATORS.put("**", TokenType.STARSTAR);
OPERATORS.put("^^", TokenType.CARETCARET);
private static final Map<String, TokenType> KEYWORDS;

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import java.util.Map;
* @author aNNiMON
public final class Parser {
public static Statement parse(List<Token> tokens) {
final Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
final Statement program = parser.parse();
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public final class Parser {
return program;
private static final Token EOF = new Token(TokenType.EOF, "", -1, -1);
private static final EnumMap<TokenType, BinaryExpression.Operator> ASSIGN_OPERATORS;
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public final class Parser {
private final int size;
private final ParseErrors parseErrors;
private Statement parsedStatement;
private int pos;
public Parser(List<Token> tokens) {
@ -60,15 +60,15 @@ public final class Parser {
size = tokens.size();
parseErrors = new ParseErrors();
public Statement getParsedStatement() {
return parsedStatement;
public ParseErrors getParseErrors() {
return parseErrors;
public Statement parse() {
final BlockStatement result = new BlockStatement();
@ -83,13 +83,13 @@ public final class Parser {
parsedStatement = result;
return result;
private int getErrorLine() {
if (size == 0) return 0;
if (pos >= size) return tokens.get(size - 1).getRow();
return tokens.get(pos).getRow();
private void recover() {
int preRecoverPosition = pos;
for (int i = preRecoverPosition; i <= size; i++) {
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public final class Parser {
private Statement block() {
final BlockStatement block = new BlockStatement();
@ -113,12 +113,12 @@ public final class Parser {
return block;
private Statement statementOrBlock() {
if (lookMatch(0, TokenType.LBRACE)) return block();
return statement();
private Statement statement() {
if (match(TokenType.PRINT)) {
return new PrintStatement(expression());
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ public final class Parser {
return assignmentStatement();
private Statement assignmentStatement() {
if (match(TokenType.EXTRACT)) {
return destructuringAssignment();
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ public final class Parser {
throw new ParseException("Unknown statement: " + get(0));
private DestructuringAssignmentStatement destructuringAssignment() {
// extract(var1, var2, ...) = ...
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ public final class Parser {
return new DestructuringAssignmentStatement(variables, expression());
private Statement ifElse() {
final Expression condition = expression();
final Statement ifStatement = statementOrBlock();
@ -203,20 +203,20 @@ public final class Parser {
return new IfStatement(condition, ifStatement, elseStatement);
private Statement whileStatement() {
final Expression condition = expression();
final Statement statement = statementOrBlock();
return new WhileStatement(condition, statement);
private Statement doWhileStatement() {
final Statement statement = statementOrBlock();
final Expression condition = expression();
return new DoWhileStatement(condition, statement);
private Statement forStatement() {
int foreachIndex = lookMatch(0, TokenType.LPAREN) ? 1 : 0;
if (lookMatch(foreachIndex, TokenType.WORD)
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ public final class Parser {
final Statement statement = statementOrBlock();
return new ForStatement(initialization, termination, increment, statement);
private ForeachArrayStatement foreachArrayStatement() {
// for x : arr
boolean optParentheses = match(TokenType.LPAREN);
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ public final class Parser {
final Statement statement = statementOrBlock();
return new ForeachArrayStatement(variable, container, statement);
private ForeachMapStatement foreachMapStatement() {
// for k, v : map
boolean optParentheses = match(TokenType.LPAREN);
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ public final class Parser {
final Statement statement = statementOrBlock();
return new ForeachMapStatement(key, value, container, statement);
private FunctionDefineStatement functionDefine() {
// def name(arg1, arg2 = value) { ... } || def name(args) = expr
final String name = consume(TokenType.WORD).getText();
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ public final class Parser {
final Statement body = statementBody();
return new FunctionDefineStatement(name, arguments, body);
private Arguments arguments() {
// (arg1, arg2, arg3 = expr1, arg4 = expr2)
final Arguments arguments = new Arguments();
@ -299,14 +299,14 @@ public final class Parser {
return arguments;
private Statement statementBody() {
if (match(TokenType.EQ)) {
return new ReturnStatement(expression());
return statementOrBlock();
private Expression functionChain(Expression qualifiedNameExpr) {
// f1()()() || f1().f2().f3() || f1().key
final Expression expr = function(qualifiedNameExpr);
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ public final class Parser {
return function;
private Expression array() {
// [value1, value2, ...]
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ public final class Parser {
return new ArrayExpression(elements);
private Expression map() {
// {key1 : value1, key2 : value2, ...}
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ public final class Parser {
return new MapExpression(elements);
private MatchExpression match() {
// match expression {
// case pattern1: result1
@ -378,12 +378,12 @@ public final class Parser {
MatchExpression.Pattern pattern = null;
final Token current = get(0);
if (match(TokenType.NUMBER)) {
// case 0.5:
// case 0.5:
pattern = new MatchExpression.ConstantPattern(
NumberValue.of(createNumber(current.getText(), 10))
} else if (match(TokenType.HEX_NUMBER)) {
// case #FF:
// case #FF:
pattern = new MatchExpression.ConstantPattern(
NumberValue.of(createNumber(current.getText(), 16))
@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ public final class Parser {
new StringValue(current.getText())
} else if (match(TokenType.WORD)) {
// case value:
// case value:
pattern = new MatchExpression.VariablePattern(current.getText());
} else if (match(TokenType.LBRACKET)) {
// case [x :: xs]:
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ public final class Parser {
pattern = tuplePattern;
if (pattern == null) {
throw new ParseException("Wrong pattern in match expression: " + current);
@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ public final class Parser {
// case e if e > 0:
pattern.optCondition = expression();
if (lookMatch(0, TokenType.LBRACE)) {
pattern.result = block();
@ -434,14 +434,14 @@ public final class Parser {
} while (!match(TokenType.RBRACE));
return new MatchExpression(expression, patterns);
private Expression expression() {
return assignment();
private Expression assignment() {
final Expression assignment = assignmentStrict();
if (assignment != null) {
@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ public final class Parser {
return ternary();
private Expression assignmentStrict() {
// x[0].prop += ...
final int position = pos;
@ -465,16 +465,16 @@ public final class Parser {
return null;
final BinaryExpression.Operator op = ASSIGN_OPERATORS.get(currentType);
final Expression expression = expression();
return new AssignmentExpression(op, (Accessible) targetExpr, expression);
private Expression ternary() {
Expression result = logicalOr();
Expression result = nullCoalesce();
if (match(TokenType.QUESTION)) {
final Expression trueExpr = expression();
@ -486,10 +486,24 @@ public final class Parser {
return result;
private Expression nullCoalesce() {
Expression result = logicalOr();
while (true) {
if (match(TokenType.QUESTIONQUESTION)) {
result = new ConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression.Operator.NULL_COALESCE, result, expression());
return result;
private Expression logicalOr() {
Expression result = logicalAnd();
while (true) {
if (match(TokenType.BARBAR)) {
result = new ConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression.Operator.OR, result, logicalAnd());
@ -497,13 +511,13 @@ public final class Parser {
return result;
private Expression logicalAnd() {
Expression result = bitwiseOr();
while (true) {
if (match(TokenType.AMPAMP)) {
result = new ConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression.Operator.AND, result, bitwiseOr());
@ -511,13 +525,13 @@ public final class Parser {
return result;
private Expression bitwiseOr() {
Expression expression = bitwiseXor();
while (true) {
if (match(TokenType.BAR)) {
expression = new BinaryExpression(BinaryExpression.Operator.OR, expression, bitwiseXor());
@ -525,13 +539,13 @@ public final class Parser {
return expression;
private Expression bitwiseXor() {
Expression expression = bitwiseAnd();
while (true) {
if (match(TokenType.CARET)) {
expression = new BinaryExpression(BinaryExpression.Operator.XOR, expression, bitwiseAnd());
@ -539,13 +553,13 @@ public final class Parser {
return expression;
private Expression bitwiseAnd() {
Expression expression = equality();
while (true) {
if (match(TokenType.AMP)) {
expression = new BinaryExpression(BinaryExpression.Operator.AND, expression, equality());
@ -553,26 +567,26 @@ public final class Parser {
return expression;
private Expression equality() {
Expression result = conditional();
if (match(TokenType.EQEQ)) {
return new ConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression.Operator.EQUALS, result, conditional());
if (match(TokenType.EXCLEQ)) {
return new ConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression.Operator.NOT_EQUALS, result, conditional());
return result;
private Expression conditional() {
Expression result = shift();
while (true) {
if (match(TokenType.LT)) {
result = new ConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression.Operator.LT, result, shift());
@ -592,13 +606,13 @@ public final class Parser {
return result;
private Expression shift() {
Expression expression = additive();
while (true) {
if (match(TokenType.LTLT)) {
expression = new BinaryExpression(BinaryExpression.Operator.LSHIFT, expression, additive());
@ -618,13 +632,13 @@ public final class Parser {
return expression;
private Expression additive() {
Expression result = multiplicative();
while (true) {
if (match(TokenType.PLUS)) {
result = new BinaryExpression(BinaryExpression.Operator.ADD, result, multiplicative());
@ -648,13 +662,13 @@ public final class Parser {
return result;
private Expression multiplicative() {
Expression result = unary();
while (true) {
if (match(TokenType.STAR)) {
result = new BinaryExpression(BinaryExpression.Operator.MULTIPLY, result, unary());
@ -674,10 +688,10 @@ public final class Parser {
return result;
private Expression unary() {
if (match(TokenType.PLUSPLUS)) {
return new UnaryExpression(UnaryExpression.Operator.INCREMENT_PREFIX, primary());
@ -699,14 +713,14 @@ public final class Parser {
return primary();
private Expression primary() {
if (match(TokenType.LPAREN)) {
Expression result = expression();
return result;
if (match(TokenType.COLONCOLON)) {
// ::method reference
final String functionName = consume(TokenType.WORD).getText();
@ -729,7 +743,7 @@ public final class Parser {
if (lookMatch(0, TokenType.WORD) && lookMatch(1, TokenType.LPAREN)) {
return functionChain(new ValueExpression(consume(TokenType.WORD).getText()));
final Expression qualifiedNameExpr = qualifiedName();
if (qualifiedNameExpr != null) {
// variable(args) || arr["key"](args) || obj.key(args)
@ -745,7 +759,7 @@ public final class Parser {
return qualifiedNameExpr;
if (lookMatch(0, TokenType.LBRACKET)) {
return array();
@ -754,12 +768,12 @@ public final class Parser {
return value();
private Expression qualifiedName() {
// var || var.key[index].key2
final Token current = get(0);
if (!match(TokenType.WORD)) return null;
final List<Expression> indices = variableSuffix();
if (indices == null || indices.isEmpty()) {
return new VariableExpression(current.getText());
@ -786,7 +800,7 @@ public final class Parser {
return indices;
private Expression value() {
final Token current = get(0);
if (match(TokenType.NUMBER)) {
@ -816,7 +830,7 @@ public final class Parser {
throw new ParseException("Unknown expression: " + current);
private Number createNumber(String text, int radix) {
// Double
if (text.contains(".")) {
@ -829,7 +843,7 @@ public final class Parser {
return Long.parseLong(text, radix);
private Token consume(TokenType type) {
final Token current = get(0);
if (type != current.getType()) {
@ -838,7 +852,7 @@ public final class Parser {
return current;
private boolean match(TokenType type) {
final Token current = get(0);
if (type != current.getType()) {
@ -847,11 +861,11 @@ public final class Parser {
return true;
private boolean lookMatch(int pos, TokenType type) {
return get(pos).getType() == type;
private Token get(int relativePosition) {
final int position = pos + relativePosition;
if (position >= size) return EOF;

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@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ public enum TokenType {
DOTDOT, // ..
TILDE, // ~
CARET, // ^

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@ -10,19 +10,21 @@ import com.annimon.ownlang.lib.Value;
* @author aNNiMON
public final class ConditionalExpression implements Expression {
public enum Operator {
private final String name;
private Operator(String name) {
@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ public final class ConditionalExpression implements Expression {
return name;
public final Expression expr1, expr2;
public final Operator operation;
@ -45,17 +47,24 @@ public final class ConditionalExpression implements Expression {
public Value eval() {
final Value value1 = expr1.eval();
switch (operation) {
case AND: return NumberValue.fromBoolean(
(value1.asInt() != 0) && (expr2.eval().asInt() != 0) );
case OR: return NumberValue.fromBoolean(
(value1.asInt() != 0) || (expr2.eval().asInt() != 0) );
case AND:
return NumberValue.fromBoolean((expr1AsInt() != 0) && (expr2AsInt() != 0));
case OR:
return NumberValue.fromBoolean((expr1AsInt() != 0) || (expr2AsInt() != 0));
return nullCoalesce();
return NumberValue.fromBoolean(evalAndCompare());
private boolean evalAndCompare() {
final Value value1 = expr1.eval();
final Value value2 = expr2.eval();
double number1, number2;
if (value1.type() == Types.NUMBER) {
number1 = value1.asNumber();
@ -64,23 +73,42 @@ public final class ConditionalExpression implements Expression {
number1 = value1.compareTo(value2);
number2 = 0;
boolean result;
switch (operation) {
case EQUALS: result = number1 == number2; break;
case NOT_EQUALS: result = number1 != number2; break;
case LT: result = number1 < number2; break;
case LTEQ: result = number1 <= number2; break;
case GT: result = number1 > number2; break;
case GTEQ: result = number1 >= number2; break;
case EQUALS: return number1 == number2;
case NOT_EQUALS: return number1 != number2;
case LT: return number1 < number2;
case LTEQ: return number1 <= number2;
case GT: return number1 > number2;
case GTEQ: return number1 >= number2;
throw new OperationIsNotSupportedException(operation);
return NumberValue.fromBoolean(result);
private Value nullCoalesce() {
Value value1;
try {
value1 = expr1.eval();
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
value1 = null;
if (value1 == null) {
return expr2.eval();
return value1;
private int expr1AsInt() {
return expr1.eval().asInt();
private int expr2AsInt() {
return expr2.eval().asInt();
public void accept(Visitor visitor) {

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
def testZero() {
assertEquals(0, 0 ?? 1)
x = 0
assertEquals(0, x ?? 2)
def testObject() {
obj = {"a": 12}
assertEquals(12, obj.a ?? 10)
def testObjectMissingKey() {
obj = {"a": 12}
assertEquals(10, obj.test ?? 10)
def testNestedObjects() {
obj = {"a": {"b": 12}}
assertEquals(12, obj.a.b ?? 10)
def testNestedObjectsMissingKey() {
obj = {"a": {"b": 12}}
assertEquals(1, obj.test ?? 1)
assertEquals(2, obj.a.test ?? 2)
assertEquals(3, obj.test1.test2 ?? 3)