Исправлена игра pipes

This commit is contained in:
Victor 2016-08-10 17:04:02 +03:00
parent 0a6086949b
commit 25d335a512

View File

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
use "std"
use "canvas"
/// --- PIPES CELL ---
@ -14,23 +12,16 @@ RIGHT_TO_DOWN = 5
// лево, право, верх, низ
HorizontalCell = [1,1,0,0]
VerticalCell = [0,0,1,1]
LeftToDownCell = [1,0,0,1]
LeftToUpCell = [1,0,1,0]
RightToUpCell = [0,1,1,0]
RightToDownCell = [0,1,0,1]
CrossCell = [1,1,1,1]
support = [
HorizontalCell, VerticalCell,
LeftToDownCell, LeftToUpCell,
RightToUpCell, RightToDownCell,
Cells = [
{"support": [1, 1, 0, 0], "index": HORIZONTAL, "next": VERTICAL},
{"support": [0, 0, 1, 1], "index": VERTICAL, "next": HORIZONTAL},
{"support": [1, 0, 0, 1], "index": LEFT_TO_DOWN, "next": LEFT_TO_UP},
{"support": [1, 0, 1, 0], "index": LEFT_TO_UP, "next": RIGHT_TO_UP},
{"support": [0, 1, 1, 0], "index": RIGHT_TO_UP, "next": RIGHT_TO_DOWN},
{"support": [0, 1, 0, 1], "index": RIGHT_TO_DOWN, "next": LEFT_TO_DOWN},
{"support": [1, 1, 1, 1], "index": CROSS, "next": CROSS}
def draw(v, cellSize) {
c2 = cellSize / 2
match v {
@ -42,7 +33,7 @@ def draw(v, cellSize) {
case LEFT_TO_UP : {
fillRect(0, c2 - 2, c2, 4)
fillRect(c2 - 2, c2 - 2, 4, c2 + 2)
fillRect(c2 - 2, 0, 4, c2 + 2)
case RIGHT_TO_UP : {
fillRect(c2 - 2, c2 - 2, c2 + 2, 4)
@ -59,19 +50,16 @@ def draw(v, cellSize) {
def supportLeft(v) = support[v][0]
def supportRight(v) = support[v][1]
def supportUp(v) = support[v][2]
def supportDown(v) = support[v][3]
def supportLeft(v) = Cells[v].support[0]
def supportRight(v) = Cells[v].support[1]
def supportUp(v) = Cells[v].support[2]
def supportDown(v) = Cells[v].support[3]
/// --- PIPES BOARD ---
SIZE = 10
// Создаём игровое поле
// Creating game board
board = newarray(SIZE, SIZE)
def createBoard() {
@ -81,51 +69,49 @@ def createBoard() {
def switchCell(x, y) {
nextType = board[x][y] + 1
board[x][y] = nextType > CELL_LAST ? CELL_START : nextType
board[x][y] = Cells[board[x][y]].next
def isFinished() {
// Стартовая труба должна иметь левую точку соприкосновения
if (!supportLeft(board[0][0])) return 0
// А конечная труба - правую
if (!supportRight(board[SIZE - 1][SIZE - 1])) return 0
// Start pipe must have left touchpoint
if (!supportLeft(board[0][0])) return false
// Finish pipe - right touchpoint
if (!supportRight(board[SIZE - 1][SIZE - 1])) return false
visited = newarray(SIZE, SIZE)
// Recursive traversal from left upper pipe
return isConnected(0, 0, visited)
def isConnected(curX, curY, visited) {
// Если достигли конечной ячейки - выходим.
if ( (curX == SIZE - 1) && (curY == SIZE - 1) ) return 1
// If it is a last cell - game is finished
if ( (curX == SIZE - 1) && (curY == SIZE - 1) ) return true
// Если уже посещали - выходим.
if (visited[curX][curY]) return 0
// Отмечаем посещение.
// Already visited - exit
if (visited[curX][curY]) return false
// Mark visited
visited[curX][curY] = 1
// Check pipes matching
current = board[curX][curY]
if ( supportLeft(current) && (curX > 0) && (supportRight(board[curX - 1][curY])) ) {
if (isConnected(curX - 1, curY, visited)) return 1
if (isConnected(curX - 1, curY, visited)) return true
if ( supportRight(current) && (curX < SIZE - 1) && (supportLeft(board[curX + 1][curY])) ) {
if (isConnected(curX + 1, curY, visited)) return 1
if (isConnected(curX + 1, curY, visited)) return true
if ( supportUp(current) && (curY > 0) && (supportDown(board[curX][curY - 1])) ) {
if (isConnected(curX, curY - 1, visited)) return 1
if (isConnected(curX, curY - 1, visited)) return true
if ( supportDown(current) && (curY < SIZE - 1) && (supportUp(board[curX][curY + 1])) ) {
if (isConnected(curX, curY + 1, visited)) return 1
if (isConnected(curX, curY + 1, visited)) return true
return 0
return false
/// --- PIPES MAIN ---
translateX = 0 translateY = 0
/* frect с поддержкой translate*/
/* frect with translate ability */
def fillRect(x,y,w,h) {
frect(translateX+x, translateY+y, w, h)
@ -138,7 +124,7 @@ window("Pipes", WIDTH, HEIGHT)
cellSize = WIDTH / SIZE
// курсор
// cursor
curX = 0
curY = 0
@ -153,10 +139,10 @@ while run {
else if key == VK_FIRE switchCell(curX,curY)
else if key == 48 run = 0
// фон
// background
color(isFinished() ? #00FF00 : #FFFFFF)
// курсор
// cursor
frect(curX*cellSize, curY*cellSize, cellSize, cellSize)
for (i=0, i<SIZE, i++) {