This commit is contained in:
aNNiMON 2023-11-20 21:20:11 +02:00 committed by Victor Melnik
parent d1c7a67817
commit 99a95a044f
3 changed files with 2 additions and 297 deletions

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ OwnLang - dynamic functional programming language inspired by Scala and Python.
| Free | Pro | Desktop |
| :--: | :-: | :-----: |
| [![Free](https://developer.android.com/images/brand/en_generic_rgb_wo_45.png)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.annimon.ownlang.free) | [![Pro](https://developer.android.com/images/brand/en_generic_rgb_wo_45.png)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.annimon.ownlang) | [v1.5.0](https://github.com/aNNiMON/Own-Programming-Language-Tutorial/releases/tag/v1.5.0)
| [![Free](https://developer.android.com/images/brand/en_generic_rgb_wo_45.png)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.annimon.ownlang.free) | [![Pro](https://developer.android.com/images/brand/en_generic_rgb_wo_45.png)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.annimon.ownlang) | [v1.5.0](https://github.com/aNNiMON/Own-Programming-Language-Tutorial/releases/tag/v1.5.0) |
Also available as AUR package:
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ def patch_callback(v) {
## Build
Build using Gradle `./gradlew dist`
Build using Gradle `./gradlew shadowJar`
or take a look to [latest release](https://github.com/aNNiMON/Own-Programming-Language-Tutorial/releases/latest) for binaries.

View File

@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
* Automatic run examples for testing.
* Have functions for special launch own scripts if need
use date, files, robot, std
DEBUG = true
EXAMPLES_DIR = "examples"
REPORT_PATH = "F:/report.txt"
EXEC_TEMPLATE = "cmd /U /C \"ownlang -f %s %s >> %s 2>&1\""
// Main list of examples. Contains predefined examples with custom executing params
listExamples = {
/* template
"program_name": {
"isRun": false,
"path": "" // relative path to program
"args": [], // additional args for run
"prelaunch": "", // pre-launch other application, e.g. start server
"fx_basic_shapes.own": {
"isRun": false,
"path": ""
"args": [],
"prelaunch": "",
"fx_event_handlers.own": {
"isRun": false,
"path": ""
"args": [],
"prelaunch": "",
"fx_global_alpha.own": {
"isRun": false,
"path": ""
"args": [],
"prelaunch": "",
"fx_image_negate.own": {
"isRun": false,
"path": ""
"args": [],
"prelaunch": "",
"fx_image.own": {
"isRun": false,
"path": ""
"args": [],
"prelaunch": "",
"fx_koch_snowflake.own": {
"isRun": false,
"path": ""
"args": [],
"prelaunch": "",
"fx_rotation.own": {
"isRun": false,
"path": ""
"args": [],
"prelaunch": "",
"okhttp_telegram_sendvoice.own": {
"isRun": false,
"path": ""
"args": [],
"prelaunch": "",
"telegram_api.own": {
"isRun": false,
"path": ""
"args": [],
"prelaunch": "",
"okhttp_imgur_upload.own": {
"isRun": false,
"path": ""
"args": [],
"prelaunch": "",
"okhttp_websocket.own": {
"isRun": false,
"path": ""
"args": [],
"prelaunch": "",
"pipes_online.own": {
"isRun": false,
"path": ""
"args": [],
"prelaunch": "",
def debug(something) {
if !DEBUG return 0
println sprintf("[%s] %s", newDate(), something)
// Algorithm: get list of examples, filter and add to main list of examples
def readExamples() {
examplesDir = fopen(EXAMPLES_DIR, "")
dirs = listFiles(examplesDir)
for dir : dirs {
relativeDirPath = EXAMPLES_DIR + "/" + dir
subDir = fopen(relativeDirPath, "")
if (!isDirectory(subDir) || dir == "." || dir == "..") continue
files = listFiles(subDir)
for file : files {
if (indexOf(file, ".own") < 0 || dir == "." || dir == "..") {
debug(file + "not ownlang application or sub directory")
if (arrayKeyExists(file, listExamples)) {
debug(file + " exists in main list")
program = {
"isRun": true,
"path": relativeDirPath + "/" + file
"args": [],
"prelaunch": "",
listExamples[file] = program
return listExamples
// remove old report
if exists(REPORT_PATH) {
// main task
for name, program : listExamples {
if !program.isRun {
println "Skip: " + name
println "Executing: " + name
reportBeforeExec = sprintf("cmd /U /C \"echo %s\n >> %s", program.path, REPORT_PATH)
if length(trim(program.prelaunch)) > 0 {
println "Pre-launch: " + program.pre-launch
execString = sprintf(EXEC_TEMPLATE, program.path, join(program.args, " "), REPORT_PATH)
exitCode = execProcessAndWait(execString)
println "Exit code: " + exitCode
reportAfterExec = sprintf("cmd /U /C \"echo %s\n >> %s", "*"*19, REPORT_PATH)

View File

@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
use ounit, types, functional, date, files
def testAdditionOnNumbers() {
assertEquals(6, 0 + 1 + 2 + 3)
def testSubtractionOnNumbers() {
assertEquals(-6, 0 - 1 - 2 - 3)
def testPrefixIncrement() {
a = 8
assertEquals(9, ++a)
assertEquals(9, a)
def testPostfixIncrement() {
a = 8
assertEquals(8, a++)
assertEquals(9, a)
def testStringReversing() {
assertEquals("tset", -"test")
def testStringMultiplication() {
assertEquals("******", "*" * 6)
def testTypes() {
assertSameType(0, 0.0)
/*def testFail() {
def testScope() {
x = 5
def func() {
assertEquals(5, x)
x += 10
assertEquals(15, x)
assertEquals(15, x)
def testFibonacci() {
def fib(n) {
if n < 2 return n
return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)
assertEquals(3, fib(4))
assertEquals(21, fib(8))
def testFunctionalChain() {
data = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
result = chain(data,
::filter, def(x) = x <= 4,
::sortby, def(x) = -x,
::map, def(x) = x * 2,
assertEquals([8,6,4,2], result)
// --- Date
def testNewDate() {
d = newDate(2016, 04, 10)
assertEquals(2016, d.year)
assertEquals(4, d.month)
assertEquals(10, d.day)
assertEquals(0, d.hour)
assertEquals(0, d.minute)
assertEquals(0, d.second)
assertEquals(0, d.millisecond)
def testCompareDates() {
assertTrue(newDate(2016, 04, 10) > newDate(2015, 03, 11))
assertTrue(newDate(2012, 04, 10) < newDate(2015, 03, 11))
assertTrue(newDate(2015, 03, 11, 0, 0, 0) == newDate(2015, 03, 11))
def testDateFormat() {
d = formatDate(newDate(2016, 04, 10), newFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"))
assertEquals("2016/05/10 00:00:00", d)
def testDateParse() {
d = parseDate("2016/05/10", newFormat("yyyy/MM/dd"))
assertEquals(2016, d.year)
assertEquals(4, d.month)
assertEquals(10, d.day)
assertEquals(0, d.hour)
// --- Files
def testFiles() {
// writeLong
f = fopen("test.file", "wb")
writeLong(f, 1002003004005006007)
// append & writeFloat
fpNumber = 100200.3004005006007
f = fopen("test.file", "wb+")
writeFloat(f, fpNumber)
f = fopen("test.file", "rb")
assertEquals(1002003004005006007, readLong(f))
assertEquals(float(fpNumber), readFloat(f))
assertEquals(-1, readInt(f)) // EOF
assertEquals(0, FILES_COMPARATOR(f, f))
f = fopen("test.file", "i")
println runTests()