use std, http, json, functional // Telegram API example token = "YOUR_TOKEN" def toParams(obj) { str = "" for k, v : obj str += k + "=" + v + "&" return str } def createRawUrl(method, params, token = "") = "" + token + "/" + method + "?"+params+"access_token="+token def createUrl(method, params, token = "") = createRawUrl(method, toParams(params), token) def invokeJson(method, params, callback) = http(createUrl(method, params, token), combine(::jsondecode, callback)) def invoke(method, params, callback) = http(createUrl(method, params, token), callback) def sendMessage(text = "", chatId = 1) { invoke("sendMessage", { "chat_id": chatId, "text": text }, ::echo) } def getUpdates() = invoke("getUpdates", {}, ::echo) // Get updates in chat getUpdates() // Send message to chatId 1 sendMessage("Hello", 1) // Send message to channel sendMessage("Hello", "@telegram_channel")