// Twitch Tools use std, math, http, json, date, types, functional match ARGS { case (): usage() case ("status", _): status(ARGS[1]) case ("liveinfo", _): liveInfo(ARGS[1]) case ("chat", _): chat(ARGS[1]) case ("list", "past", _): listPastBroadcasts(ARGS[2]) case ("m3u", "live", _): m3uPlaylistLive(ARGS[2]) case ("m3u", _): m3uPlaylist(ARGS[1]) case ("url", "live", _): urlPlaylistLive("source", ARGS[2]) case ("url", "live", _, _): urlPlaylistLive(ARGS[2], ARGS[3]) case ("url", _): urlPlaylist("source", ARGS[1]) case ("url", _, _): urlPlaylist(ARGS[1], ARGS[2]) case _: usage() } def usage() { println "Usage: twitch_tools [mode] [args*] mode: status [channel] - prints channel status (online or offline) liveinfo [channel] - prints live stream info chat [vod id] - shows chat list past [channel] - prints past broadcasts of channel m3u [vod id] - gets m3u playlist for past broadcast m3u live [channel] - gets m3u playlist for live channel url [vod id] - gets url for past broadcast with source quality url [quality] [vod id] - gets url for past broadcast with given quality url live [channel] - gets url for live channel with source quality url live [quality] [vod id] - gets playlist url for live channel with given quality " } def status(channel) { extract (status, ) = getStreamInfo(channel) print status } def liveInfo(channel) { extract (status, info) = getStreamInfo(channel) if (status == "offline") { println "This channel is offline" return 0 } stream = info.stream channel = stream.channel // Stream print (arrayKeyExists("mature", channel) && channel.mature) ? "[NSFW] " : "" println channel.status println "Date: " + formatTzDate(stream.created_at) println "Game: " + (arrayKeyExists("game", stream) ? stream.game : "unknown") println "Viewers: " + stream.viewers println sprintf("Language: %s, broadcaster: %s", channel.language, channel.broadcaster_language) // Previews preview = stream.preview println "Previews:" for resolution : ["small", "medium", "large"] { if (!arrayKeyExists(resolution, preview)) continue println sprintf("%8s %s", resolution, preview[resolution]) } template = preview.template def formatResolution(w, h) = replace(replace(template, "{width}", w), "{height}", h) println sprintf("%8s %s", "HD", formatResolution(1280, 720)) println sprintf("%8s %s", "Full HD", formatResolution(1920, 1080)) println sprintf("height: %d, %d fps, %d delay", stream.video_height, int(round(stream.average_fps)), stream.delay) } def listPastBroadcasts(channel) { url = sprintf("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/%s/videos?limit=100&broadcasts=true", channel) pastVods = getJsonSync(url) pastVods = pastVods.videos for vod : pastVods { println "=" * 30 println vod._id if arrayKeyExists("title", vod) { println vod.title } println "Date: " + formatTzDate(vod.recorded_at) println "Game: " + (arrayKeyExists("game", vod) ? vod.game : "unknown") println "Duration: " + lengthToTime(vod.length) println "Views: " + vod.views println "Previews:" println vod.preview if arrayKeyExists("animated_preview", vod) { println vod.animated_preview } for quality : ["chunked", "high", "medium", "low", "mobile"] { if (!arrayKeyExists(quality, vod.resolutions) || vod.resolutions[quality] == "0x0") continue println sprintf("%s: %s %d fps", quality, vod.resolutions[quality], round(vod.fps[quality])) } } } def m3uPlaylist(vodId) { print m3uPlaylistString(vodId) } def urlPlaylist(quality, vodId) { print searchInPlaylist(quality, m3uPlaylistString(vodId)) } def m3uPlaylistString(vodId) { id = (indexOf(vodId, "v") == 0) ? substring(vodId, 1) : vodId // Get token url = sprintf("https://api.twitch.tv/api/vods/%s/access_token", id) token = getJsonSync(url) // Get playlist url = sprintf("http://usher.twitch.tv/vod/%s?player=twitchweb&allow_source=true" + "&nauthsig=%s&nauth=%s", id, token.sig, urlencode(token.token)) return sync(def(ret) = http(url, ret)) } def m3uPlaylistLive(channel) { print m3uPlaylistLiveString(channel) } def urlPlaylistLive(quality, channel) { print searchInPlaylist(quality, m3uPlaylistLiveString(channel)) } def m3uPlaylistLiveString(channel) { // Get token url = sprintf("http://api.twitch.tv/api/channels/%s/access_token", channel) token = getJsonSync(url) // Get playlist url = sprintf("http://usher.twitch.tv/api/channel/hls/%s.m3u8?player=twitchweb" + "&token=%s&sig=%s&allow_audio_only=true&allow_source=true&type=any&p=%d", channel, token.token, token.sig, rand(1000000)) return sync(def(ret) = http(url, ret)) } def chat(vodId) { id = (indexOf(vodId, "v") == 0) ? substring(vodId, 1) : vodId url = sprintf("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/videos/v%s", id) vodInfo = getJsonSync(url) if (arrayKeyExists("error", vodInfo)) { println "Error: " + vodInfo.message return 0 } recordDate = parseTzDate(vodInfo.recorded_at) startTime = toTimestamp(recordDate) / 1000 startTime += (3 * 60 * 60) endTime = long(startTime + ceil(vodInfo.length / 30.0) * 30) maxIterations = (endTime - startTime) / 30 for i = 0, i < maxIterations, i++ { timestamp = startTime + i * 30 url = sprintf("http://rechat.twitch.tv/rechat-messages?start=%d&video_id=v%s", timestamp, id) chunksString = sync(def(ret) = http(url, ret)) chunksObject = jsondecode(chunksString) for chunk : chunksObject.data { attr = chunk.attributes formattedDate = formatDate(newDate(attr.timestamp)) println sprintf("%s (%s)\n%s\n\n====\n", attr.tags["display-name"], formattedDate, attr.message) } } } def searchInPlaylist(quality, m3u) { quality = toLowerCase(quality) lines = split(m3u, "\n") found = false for line : lines { lower = toLowerCase(line) if (contains(line, "#EXT-X-MEDIA") && contains(lower, quality)) { found = true } else if (found && contains(lower, "http")) { return line } } return "" } def getStreamInfo(channel) { url = sprintf("https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/streams/%s", channel) stream = getJsonSync(url) return try(def() { arrayKeyExists("_id", stream.stream) return ["online", stream] }, def(type, message) = ["offline", stream]) } def contains(what, where) = indexOf(what, where) >= 0 def formatTzDate(str) = formatDate(parseTzDate(str), newFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")) def parseTzDate(str) = parseDate(str, newFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'")) def lengthToTime(len) = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", len / 3600, len / 60 % 60, len % 60) def getJsonSync(url) = sync(def(ret) = http(url, def(r) = ret(jsondecode(r)) ))