use ["std", "functional", "gzip", "json", "java"] title("Added std::getBytes, std::stringFromBytes") arr = [119, 111, 114, 108, 100] println getBytes("Hello") println stringFromBytes(arr) println getBytes("👍", "UTF-8") title("Added std::stripMargin") println "123 | 456 | 789".stripMargin("|") println " > 123 > 456 > 789 ".stripMargin("> ") title("Added functional::stream::joining") println stream(range(1, 10)) .filter(def(x) = x % 2 == 0) .joining(", ") println stream(range(1, 4)) .joining(" | ", "<", ">") title("Added properties and functions for arrays") println arr.length if (!arr.isEmpty()) { println arr.joinToString("-") } title("Added null coalesce operator") obj = {"a": {"b": 12}} println obj.b ?? 1 println obj.a.b ?? 2 println obj.test1.test2 ?? 3 title("Added basic classes support") class Point { def Point(x, y) { this.x = x this.y = y } def move(dx, dy) { this.x += dx this.y += dy } def info() = "[" + this.x + ", " + this.y + "]" } a = new Point(10, 12) println b = new Point(2, 4) a.move(b.x, b.y) println title("Ability to iterate strings and arrays with index") for ch : "test " print ch for ch, code : "test" print "{" + ch + ", " + code + "} " println "" for el : arr print " " + el println "" for el, index : arr print "{" + el + ", " + index + "} " title("Ability to pretty-print json") data = {"xyz": 123, "uvw": 456, "rst": 789} println jsonencode(data) println jsonencode(data, 2) title("Added gzip module") text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" * 80 bytesOriginal = getBytes(text) bytesGzipped = gzipBytes(bytesOriginal) println "Original bytes count: " + bytesOriginal.length println "Gzipped bytes count: " + bytesGzipped.length println "Ungzip" ungzippedBytes = ungzipBytes(bytesGzipped) println stringFromBytes(ungzippedBytes) == text ? "match" : "not match" title("Improved java interoperability") Random = newClass("java.util.Random") rnd = new Random() println rnd.nextInt(100) title("Other") println "Added zip, okhttp module" // helpers def title(s) { println "\n" println "=" * s.length println s println "=" * s.length }