mirror of https://github.com/aNNiMON/ffmpegbot synced 2024-09-19 22:54:20 +03:00
2024-09-15 23:19:58 +03:00

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# ffmpegbot
Telegram Bot for re-encoding media
## Features
- change a video resolution, bitrate, frame rate, speed
- change an audio bitrate, volume, pitch
- apply audio effects, compressor
- extract or remove audio from the video
- resend video note as a regular video, or video as an audio track
- output audio spectrum for quick analysis
## Requirements
- Telegram bot username and token, [@BotFather](https://t.me/BotFather)
- JRE 17+ or JDK 17+ (for build)
- `ffmpeg` must be installed and available in `PATH`.
- `python3` version 3.8+ must be installed and available in `PATH`.
- `yt-dlp` for `/dl` command.
## Installation
### Manual
# Build
./gradlew shadowJar
# Config
cp ffmpegbot.yaml.template ffmpegbot.yaml
vim ffmpegbot.yaml
mkdir {input,output}
# Run
java -jar ./build/libs/ffmpegbot-1.2-SNAPSHOT-all.jar
### Using Docker
Note: FFmpeg binary might be installed with limited number of filters and codecs. Some bot features might not work (Audio pitch, robot effect, etc).
docker run -d -t -i \
-e BOT_TOKEN='...' \
-e APP_ID='...' \
-e APP_HASH='...' \
-e SUPERUSERS='12345' \
-e ALLOWED_USERS='12346,12347' \
--name ffmpegbot ghcr.io/annimon/ffmpegbot:latest
#### Environment variables
- `BOT_TOKEN` — Telegram bot token
- `APP_ID` — Telegram API app_id (see https://core.telegram.org/api/obtaining_api_id)
- `APP_HASH` — Telegram API app_hash
- `SUPERUSERS` — Comma-separated list of superusers. Superuser can execute /run command
- `ALLOWED_USERS` — Comma-separated list of allowed user ids